Game time!
Monday, January 25, 2010 at 6:41AM
Brandon in Crafts, Okinawa


Anyone "game" for some translating? :)

My wonderfully handy Japanese pocket translator (complete with Eng-Jap, Jap-Eng, Eng-Eng, and a Kanji dictionary) has been in desperate need of a case for some time now.  Up until now, I've just been shoving it into my purse to fend for itself.  As of today, it now has its own super-cute, slightly geeky case to help keep it safe.  (For those not of the '80s era, the case is inspired by the old Nintendo video game controller.) 

Now I just have to find something else that needs another case so I can try my hand at craftily interpreting a Gameboy.  :)


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