Happy Spring!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010 at 5:39AM
Brandon in Okinawa

With the happy thoughts of spring in the air (despite the fact that I didn't get to enjoy any snow this winter and it's been raining for the past 6 days straight), I figured I'd do a post on some of the beautiful flowers we've encountered the past two months.  (And since Brandon and I have both been sick the past 6 days, we haven't been out and about to take any new photos of any new adventures, so here's a flower post.)

Remember when we went to the World Fest in February?  Well, on our slightly long walk from the parking lot to the festival, we came across some pretty amazing flower specimens in people's tiny front lawns.

Check out the size of these yellow blooms!  We were thoroughly impressed! 

Here's an up-close shot.

We found these delicate pale pink beauties next door to the giant yellow blossoms.  These reminded me of something off of Star Trek.

And we can't forget these pretty purple flowers, either.  It was such a pretty street to walk down.  Talk about a neighborhood filled with green thumbs!

As part of our trip down memory lane, do you remember "Petunia," the adorable Calendiva plant Brandon bought me when we got settled on Okinawa?

So petite, so cute!  Well, a larger pot and a year later...

She's grown a bit.  And has continued to flower non-stop all year.

She's definitely a cheerful fixture in our apartment.  She's now more of a small shrub, than a "plant" and she's taller than my knees!

And introducing the newest member of our inside garden:

A gorgeous blue hydrangea, or "ajisai" as they are called here.

Just take a gander at those variegated, rich blue tones!

Ain't she a beaut?  Got any clever names to suggest?  She's making a home with Bob, Bob Jr., Petunia, and Donut.  Sure does make me smile!  Happy spring!


Article originally appeared on Happily Ever After (http://www.abcarlson.com/).
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