Merry Christmas–Star Wars Style!
Monday, December 24, 2012 at 12:46PM
Arielle in Okinawa

Wanted to share with you a few of our favorite sci-fi decorations this year.  Hope you enjoy!

Chewie and Han get into the Christmas spirit in our dining room.


Meanwhile, the 501st Clones are prepared for cold weather.


Santa Yoda guards my “White Christmas” display book.  (“White Christmas” is my favorite Christmas movie of all time!)


My parents sent these bobble-heads for Christmas this year!  Aren’t they fun?!


Of course, no Christmas tree is complete without plenty of sci-fi ornaments and a Yoda tree topper!


And because Uncle Richard asked so nicely, here are photos of our alternative to a Christmas village.  Each year we intend to add a bit more to the story.  This year’s title is “A Clone Christmas.”


Our two Clones in the bottom right are shoveling invisible snow while the others are having fun stringing up the lights.  Just how many Clones does it take to untangle the Christmas lights?


These are the lucky ones tasked with guarding the Emperor’s gifts.  Even offering a really nice wreath isn’t enough to make these guys shirk their responsibilities at Christmas time.


And last, but not least, these three have been to the Christmas tree farm and are returning to the festivities with a beautiful tree and wreath for the Dark Lord of the Sith.  It’s sure to be a merry Christmas here!


So from our Star Wars decorated halls to yours, we wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a truly happy New Year!

Article originally appeared on Happily Ever After (
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