Saving Abel
Sunday, December 9, 2012 at 9:26AM
Brandon in Okinawa

I had the fortunate opportunity to see Saving Abel in concert last night and I thought I’d take a moment to post a couple pictures and videos I took from the concert. Like this one:


Needless to say the concert was awesome!  The band was definitely having a good time on stage and I was surprised to learn how many military shows they have played, including in Iraq, Kuwait, and Qatar to name a few.

They even brought out some chairs and as they put it “we are going to act for a couple songs here like we are all out sitting on the porch in Mississippi singing.”  As a side note, I should mention that the majority of the band members are from Mississippi. Plus, a few of you will be surprised to know if you take a hard look at the drummer in this photo you may recognize him.


The drummer is formerly of 12 Stones!  For those of you that don’t know 12 Stones you should!  Wait, wait hold up!  Finish reading this post and watching the videos and then go look up 12 Stones and buy their most recent album, link provided at the bottom.

Back to Saving Abel, below is a video clip of Saving Abel doing a cover of CCR’s Have you seen the rain?  However, I didn’t think about recording the entire song for everyone until we were most of the way though, but you still get a sample of what it was like to be there.

Finally, here’s a video of one of their newer songs “Pictures of Elvis.” in its entirety.

Overall, it was an awesome concert and if you already like Saving Abel’s music definitely check out one of their concerts when they come near you!  Oh, and hearing the song Miss America live when a bunch of soldiers singing along is quite the experience.

Now for that link to 12 Stones I promised and one to Saving Abel for good measure:


- Brandon

Article originally appeared on Happily Ever After (
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