Christmas Eve

The baker hard at work
Happy Christmas Eve, everyone! I spent most of the day baking eight loaves of kuchen (my wonderful husband washed the dishes for me, multiple times today to help out.) We're looking forward to eating kuchen Christmas morning while we open gifts.
This evening we didn't make Gypsy Tea, but we did eat Chex Mix. It definitely wasn't as good as Aunt Deb's, but it's tradition. We also sat through the Star Wars Christmas Special. This was Brandon's first time to see it. And when I say "sat through," I actually mean "fast-forwarded through at double speed so we could stand to watch it." There is indeed a reason why George Lucas has amnesia when it comes to the Christmas Special, but, as a fan of Star Wars, I thought Brandon should see it once. :)
We had a happy 70 degrees F Christmas Eve. Hope you all enjoy yours, too!
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