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Super Cookies to the rescue!

Super Cookies from Jimmy's Bakery Heaven...

Super Cookies from Jimmy's Bakery Heaven...

We received our first Japanese gift as a married couple!  As you know, gift-giving is an integral part of Japanese culture.  On the first floor of our apartment building, in a small room off the foyer, SKY Housing (a realty agency) just opened its doors.  We've been watching over the past few weeks as they fixed up the room and made it into a fully functional office. 

When I was coming through the foyer from our garage the other night, one of the SKY Housing agents stopped me to present me with a present.  I was peached to say the least!  Although I had to wonder, shouldn't we be getting them the "welcome and happy opening" present rather than them giving us an opening gift?  When Brandon got home from work and we opened the gift, we had a good laugh.  It contained "Super Cookies" from "Jimmy's Bakery Heaven."  As the side of the box says, "It's good for snacks, small presents or any occasions."  They are tasty, but we're not convinced we'd call them "super."  Either way, we were very, very happy to receive our first Japanese gift in Okinawa!  Thank you SKY Housing!!!


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