The Imo Truck!

Me and the delicious imo in Family Mart parking lot!
I found it! I found it! The ever-elusive imo truck!
I stopped by Family Mart (a local convenience store) to pay some utility bills this afternoon (yup, we pay our utility bills at the convenience store - how convenient!) On my way out, I noticed an odd-looking Papa-san truck (one of the miniature pick-up trucks) parked outside with a brightly colored flag on the back and an oven-looking contraption in the bed. I had heard tales of the imo truck from Megumi - a truck that drives around playing music (like an ice cream truck) and baking sweet potatoes. ("Imo" means sweet potato. Sound familiar? "Beni-imo" means purple sweet potato.) I had even heard the cute little jingle from our apartment a few times, but never saw a truck come by our place. I made eye contact with the driver who had recently exited Family Mart, too, and we both smiled. This was all the encouragement I needed to run over to his truck and ask him, "Nan desuka?" ("What is it?") He explained that it was sweet potato and opened one of the cooking drawers to break me off a piece of the soft, sweet goodness. Oishi desu! Delicious! We talked a bit more and I purchased an imo for Brandon and I to enjoy.
Feeling very happy with my imo truck encounter, I met up with Sky Housing on my way to my apartment. They gave me mochi - "sweetened rice"- that the manager had made. According to the lady, this mochi is usually made for children to promote good health, and they thought we might be interested in trying it. (Score one for Arielle's Dessert Diplomacy efforts! They reap yummy mochi!) This mochi is wrapped in a long, fragrant leaf, which you remove before enjoying the mochi. Very sticky and very yummy! Thank you, Sky Housing!

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