Star Wars Saturday

Last Saturday (right before the sand came), we took a drive over to the east side of the island in search of Star Wars and Transformers.
Here's a soba (noodle) restaurant we passed along the way.
It was neat to see the Philippine Sea instead of the East China Sea as we drove along.
And I had to snap a photo of the tree I saw with bright orange blooms!
We stopped at a resale shop to check out their collectibles section. We found some fun Star Wars memorabilia, but no Transformers. That's okay, we'll keep looking. We did find two really cool 12" Darth Vader clocks.
They have clocks in the base.
This one even comes with a removable helmet for even more detail! We were definitely impressed!
They now guard our sound system. Much better, eh?
And we can't forget Star Trek! On our way back through base, we found Trekkies 2 the DVD for a whopping 35 cents! Looking forward to watching it...wonder if we should don our Trek tees for proper viewing?
A fun drive and successful collectibles shopping trip. Here's to continuing the search...

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