Cookies with Daddy

While Daddy was here, he specifically requested that he would like to make cookies with me. We made Snickerdoodles the first week. Got to try out my brand new Silpat mats.
I love the Fox Run logo! Too cute! And the silpat mats worked perfectly! They're in replacement of using parchment paper to help the cookies spread less and so I don't have to clean my cookie sheets as often.
The delicious results! As an interesting side note, it was quite humid here (when isn't it), so the cookies became very soft after sitting out overnight. We all decided that we actually prefer the softer Snickerdoodles. Baking (and baking in a humid climate) is always an interesting learning experience. And hopefully usually a tasty one, too.
We made a Walton Mountain Coffee Cake (not exactly cookies, but a yummy sweet) to enjoy throughout the second week. Somehow, I didn't manage to get any photos of it before it disappeared. :)
Then Daddy and I set about to making cookies inspired by the early rainy season - umbrellas, raindrops, and flowers. We sketched out our cookie designs, baked our cookies, and tried out a new technique for icing the cookies - glazing.
We glazed the umbrellas, tulips, and raindrops and piped the detailing. We did the yellow and orange flowers with my normal pipe and fill method.
Final verdict for me - I personally prefer the pipe and fill method versus glazing. But either way, the cookies were a big hit, and I had such a wonderful time baking with my Daddy! Happy Rainy Season!
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