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New Okichan Theater

Brandon had July 5th off from work, so we decided to put our annual Aquarium pass to good use and drove up north for the day.

They have a few rows of seating in the large aquarium room and we decided to sit and watch the whale sharks and rays.  They are truly impressive creatures!

You can get a better perspective of just how large the whale sharks are in this photo.  Check out the diver in the left corner!

The new Okichan (dolphin) Theater was open this time!  The seating is more comfortable and it's nice to have the Sea as the backdrop.  And yes, to all of you who have seen the dolphin show, we still have the catchy song stuck in our heads.  :)

We always seem to see a slightly different show and this time was no exception.  We did still manage to catch my favorite Okichan Theater photo though - I like to call it "Helium Balloon Dolphin."  Doesn't it look like there's a string attached to him and he's just floating around? 

This theater is a bit more high-tech than the previous.  They installed a hydraulic lift here, though it's very slow moving and we're not sure why they felt it was necessary.  The spinning contraption at the other theater was much faster and had the same outcome.  Ah well, I suppose this at least looks more impressive.

Anyone besides me singing, "So long and thanks for all the fish!"?

Overall, a very nice day at the Aquarium with my hubby!


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