DIY Envelopes

Of course, making cards also requires a stock of invitation sized envelopes. Surprisingly that size seems to be more expensive than I’d like to pay over here. So, I grabbed the cardboard template I’d made a few years ago when I was making custom envelopes out of magazines and old calendars (great up-cycling project, by the way), some white printer paper, my double-sided tape, and went to town replenishing my envelope stock.
It’s a project that doesn’t require a lot of attention to detail – perfect project to do while watching a movie! If you’re ever interested in making your own envelopes, I highly recommend it! I started with an already made envelope, unglued it, traced it on a cereal box, and used that cardboard cutout as my template. Then you just trace around your template on whatever paper you’d like to use. Cut it out, fold it, and either glue or tape the bottom flap – easy peasy!
And up-cycling magazines and old calendars can make for some unique and awesome envelopes to brighten up someone’s mailbox! Just add a self-adhesive mailing label to the front so the address is easy to read and you’re ready to go! Hope you enjoy!

Reader Comments (2)
I had never thought about making my own envelopes. This is a great idea. Thank you,
BIG Hug, Mom
You are Martha Stewart's rival!!! Go Arielle!