Kamezen–Okinawa Soba Shop

Out back of American Village, in the new “Depot Island” area, we recently tried the Okinawa Soba shop, Kamezen. We were immediately enchanted by the Okinawa 1960’s era décor, as we were seated at a small table with a sewing treadle. (Reminded me of Mimi’s end table I used to play with!)
We also really enjoyed the telephone poles that made it feel more like you were seated outdoors.
And, of course, we had to take a picture of the Elvis poster they had displayed!
We both had pork belly soba. Very yummy! My only disappointment was the small bowl to the left of the soba. It looked so much like bits of pear it made my mouth water! Alas, definitely not pear – Japanese vegetable that tastes absolutely nothing like sweet, delicious pear. The soba made up for the disappointment, though.
They had a small, old-fashioned candy store set up near our table. We didn’t try anything this time, but perhaps next time. Made for a fun addition to the 60s décor.
And we especially loved their attention to detail! Check out the cool display of seashells in the potted plant next to our table!
And just for photographic proof that I was, indeed, there:
Sorry about the sunlight in the background, but check out where my purse is sitting. Most Japanese restaurants where you can sit Western-style (on a chair, as opposed to on the raised tatami mat floor) have chairs with backs. I usually have enough room to slide my purse on the chair, behind my back so it’s out of the way, but not hanging from my chair (and not on the floor.) If the Western-style seating doesn’t have backs to the chairs, there is often times a small ledge under the table to set you purse or shopping bag. This table was too small for a ledge and we were sitting on milk crates with a board attached to the top (so, thus, no back to the chair.) When the server saw me start to set my purse on the treadle beneath the table, he stopped me and brought me over a tiny, short table just for my purse. Only in Japan!
Overall, we really enjoyed our dining experience! Between the good soba and the awesome atmosphere, we intend to make this one of our go-to restaurants when people come to visit!

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