Extreme Makeover: Bubble Wrap Mailing Envelopes

I love recycling bubble wrap mailing envelopes! Often times, the mailers we receive aren’t the size I need and of course, they have writing on the outside. So, I’ve taken to cutting the mailers to the exact size I want and decorating them with fun deco tape from the 100-Yen!
For this package, I started with a mailer that was too big for the contents I wanted to ship.
So, I cut it to fit the contents. This time I only needed to size it one direction, but keep in mind, it is possible to size both length and width. I usually cut a cute angled flap that I tape down with clear packing tape to make sure it seals well. Then on to the fun part – choosing which adorable 100-Yen deco tape to decorate with!
I cover the sized and sealed mailer in deco tape – front and back. The people at the post office keep asking me where I am purchasing the adorable mailing envelopes. It’s fun watching their expressions when they realize it’s just deco tape and not a solid printed sheet. Even better when they realize they can do this for their packages, too!
You can either tape on the to and from addresses, or use self-adhesive labels. I usually cover the labels with clear packing tape, just to be on the safe side.
There are so many fun deco tapes out there (in fact, I think you can find all sorts of fun Duck Tape colors Stateside right now, too!)
I have to think that receiving a bright colored package like these makes getting mail even more fun! And I’m loving that I haven’t had to purchase a bubble wrap mailing envelope in over a year! Inexpensive and very personalized! Double the fun!

Reader Comments (2)
"Celebrate the day that you birth with my whole heart"? How cute! Not sure why they chose a worm to say "I celebrate your birth" though. Interesting choice.
The "Are you a doctor? Are you a writer?" I definitely don't follow. You'll have to explain that one!
Beyond that, very clever idea. Is it still cost effective to cover with all that tape though? Did you figure that out? lol
When I was mailing packages from here, I got scolded from the post master for covering ALL the box with packing tape. I thought it weather proofed the box. (Having a few years experience of seeing packages damaged from other packages that leaked too!) But I was told the post office needs room to write on the box, and they can't with all the tape there? Guess your post office has a different system.
Duck tape here is heavier than the tape you're using right? Wish I could find deco tape like you've got to play with....maybe the dollar stores have it. I haven't been to one in years!
Last but not least, I wanted you to know, I'll do my part and eat your share of Deb's potatoes for you on Monday! If you like Gary's pasta salad, I'll try to fit your share of that in too....oh and the pretzel salad and Elaine's salad with the sesame seeds? mmmm. I might have to stay all day to fit it in, but I'll try!!
Keep the posts coming!!
Aunt Amy,
Some of the Japanese/English just makes us laugh!
It really doesn't take as much tape to cover the packages as one might think. Suppose it also depends on how big your envelopes are, but the deco tape is very thin and they can pack a lot on one roll. When I only have to pay under $1.50 for a roll of the tape (and one roll would cover many, many packages) and I'm not paying anything for the re-used envelope, it's definitely cheaper than buying a pre-decorated envelope. And the deco tape doesn't add enough weight to be a concern about increased postage.
I, too, remember getting scolded some years ago about covering a package in packing tape. But nowadays, people send frisbees and flipflops through the mail; no one's complained about the packing tape now. http://www.giverslog.com/?tag=happy-mail
Yes, Duck Tape is significantly heavier duty than the deco tape I'm using, but I can't imagine it would add too much weight. As long as you keep your packages under the "magic" 13 ounces, it only costs a few bucks to mail. Fun to be able to send small packages for less than a cup of Starbucks. Let me know if you find any fun tape at the dollar stores!
Thanks for eating some of Aunt Deb's potatoes for me! Sure do miss them! Maybe I'll have to make a small batch around Christmastime.
Thanks for all your wonderful comments!
Big hugs,