Hong Kong Disney: Part II

Adventureland was a hop, skip, and a jump (with a pause to create some fun beats on the drums) from Toy Story Land.
We caught the first showing of “Festival of the Lion King.” As you know, I’m a big fan of musical theater, so these performances are always so much fun for me!
And the show didn’t disappoint! We’d highly recommend it! Our show was primarily in English, with two hyenas who did short translations in Cantonese.
The colors were gorgeous and the music was Disney spectacular! It’s interesting to note that this was the first time we experienced the iPad phenomenon where everyone and their brother filmed the show or took photos during the show with their iPads. Really odd, as they tend to be much larger than a camera and might brighter (due to the screen size.) So it was often like watching dozens of mini televisions showing the same live performance. This was also the first time we’d ever been to a performance where the audience didn’t clap at the end. The actors did their finale, waved to everyone, and exited as the audience watched mutely and then filed out of the theater. Not sure if that’s just a cultural thing or just odd. And honestly, if it’s a cultural thing, I’m not sure it’s even a Hong Kong cultural thing, as the audience was clearly made up of many different nationalities. Either way, the performance was awesome!
Brandon tried his hand at pulling the Sword from the Stone.
And then we attempted lunch. I say attempted because my difficulties with real Chinese (as in Chinese-Chinese, not American-Chinese, very different!) came back to haunt me. (During my two week trip to China in 2005, I survived on white rice, shrimp, and Coca-Cola. Chinese-Chinese food and I just don’t get along. Which is funny, because I was willing to try their Duck Blood Soup while I was there. So it has less to do with being a picky eater and more to do with my taste buds rebel at most of the sauces everything is saturated in.) But I thought, hey, we’re at Disneyland, surely I can find something to eat! Famous last words, right?
Yes, folks, those are ducks.
And thinking that we’d order something relatively “tame” and “safe” off the menu, we ordered Sweet and Sour Pork. Let’s just say, it was unlike anything I’ve ever tasted before and hope never to taste again. Brandon was barely able to choke some of it down…and he eats most anything. I try to keep an open mind regarding Chinese-Chinese food, but every time I try it, it gets more and more difficult. On the opposite side of the spectrum, one of my Japanese host sisters LOVES the food in Hong Kong. So you know it can’t be all bad.
Next we were onto Tomorrowland!
Space Mountain is the only rollercoaster to date that I’ve been able to ride and not get sick. I love it!
Brandon found a shiny, new sports car of the future!
And found that the electric cars of the future in Autopia might not have been built with 6’6” people in mind. He had fun driving me around, though!
As many people in Hong Kong don’t drive, this ride was very popular. We found it ironic that we got to experience an unexpected “traffic jam” that only added to the realism of the ride.
After our car ride of the future, we met a very friendly Buzz Lightyear! “To infinity and beyond!” (Yes, folks, I’m left handed.)
Next on the list, Fantasyland, where we take in a totally outstanding musical production, get thoroughly creeped out by animatronics and have a certain song stuck in our heads for hours to come. Did I mention we have an awesome encounter with our favorite Stitch?!

Reader Comments (3)
Sounds like you were two very busy people! Did you have time to breathe? I bet the Lion King show was awesome! Are there people in the Simba and Pumba costumes? At first I thought they were just big stuffed animals, then I saw the closure on Simba's back. lol.
By the way, you're doing a great job at "catching up"!! Kudos.
Love, love, LOVE the pictures from this post of Hong Kong! I remember the smell of those ducks hanging in NYC Chinatown, and thinking I was going to puke from the stench! Like you, I don’t know how they choke down some of those spices. Ick. But we keep trying, and sooner or later, maybe we'll stumble on something authentic Chinese-Chinese and like it; for now, I"m sticking with my Americanized version, thank you very much!
The photo of you two on Space Mountain with your hair(s) all blown back cracked me up! And the one of you two with Buzz Lightyear is perfect! Great photos, Nette. And great descriptions, as well. Loved it all!
Aunt Amy,
The Simba and Pumba costumes were stuffed, no people inside, although people did hang on to the straps on Simba for safety as the float moved. Pumba was an animatronic.
I'm really enjoying looking back at the photos and remembering our trips! Glad you're enjoying our "catching up" too!
So glad you're enjoying our photos and posts! We had so much fun!
Big hugs,