Honey Lemon Soda & Beni-Imo Chips

We came across this gem of a vending machine on a walk around our neighborhood the other weekend. My eye caught on the “Honey Lemon Soda” and I knew we just had to give it a try.

We came across this gem of a vending machine on a walk around our neighborhood the other weekend. My eye caught on the “Honey Lemon Soda” and I knew we just had to give it a try.
Brandon was back on the basketball court this spring after 3 year hiatus! He played with the 53rd Signal Battalion (Army) on Torii Station and was happy to be back participating in one of his favorite sports. This was also my first time, after years of hearing about it, to get to watch my hubby play ball!
We’ve recently been in a sort of website-hibernation. We’ve been traveling to cool places, exploring new things, and discovering new tasty, beverages, but just haven’t sat down to write a post in a while. Then as the time flew by faster than we anticipated, we became overwhelmed by the number of stories and photos we wanted to share with you.
So, here’s what I’m proposing. I’m going to work at getting back into the habit of sharing all the fun things in our lives abroad, but I’m not going to begin with our trip to Hong Kong, our great holidays with Dick, or our amazing trip to Sapporo. I’m going to work on some shorter adventures and toss in the bigger stories as I get the time and energy. This means not everything I post will be in chronological order, but I think you’ll enjoy all the content we have to share, whatever order it comes. (And frankly, I’d really love to post some stories and photos I’ve taken recently and am excited about at the moment, rather than stare at 500 photos of our great trip to Hong Kong while feeling like I’m falling further behind. [And trust me when I say, I will not subject you to 500 photos of our trip to Hong Kong, no matter how great all those photos turned out. Narrowing down which ones tell the best story is part of what’s been so overwhelming for me. So I’m going to take it a little bit at a time, instead of feeling like I want to hide under the covers every time I think about our website.])
Thanks for bearing with us. Now back to your semi-regularly scheduled programming…
I spent a happy afternoon at my craft table, trying out some new punches my in-laws and hubby got me for Christmas.
Let’s get caught up on some of the exciting end-of-2011 things my sweet Brandon accomplished!