
We're enjoying taking a break from our sorting and packing to enjoy a Honeybell. My parents were gracious enough to share the Honeybells with us this year. (You would know just how big a sacrifice this is if you knew how good these fruits are - the brochure that came with the box said you could be a "hero" if you chose to share a Honeybell with a friend. In their words, "After you bite into your first juicy Cushman Honeybell, you'll be tempted to hide the box, say nothing to anyone and keep them all for yourself. But...think of the smiles of wonder and delight; the adoration and undying gratitude of your family, friends, and neighbors if you share [only a few, of course]." I decided I'd share with my sweet hubby!) [Side note: I LOVE Cushman's humor in marketing! They're great!) This was Brandon's first Honeybell experience, and I'm proud to say, he managed to stay fairly sticky-less depsite the juicy-ness Honeybells are famed for. His verdict, "Good." Yup, that's my hubby, a man of many words. hehehe
We're down to less than three weeks til we jet off to Japan. Be thinking of us next week as we pack up our things and ship them on ahead of us! Should be an adventure in and of itself! Happy thoughts!