Saturday Organization

Most of you know how organized I am. I love being organized! I feel best when my schedule is organized and everything around me is in its specific spot. That being said, we've been shoving our plastic grocery bags under the sink since we got here. (We don't accumulate nearly as many as we used to Stateside, as so many shops here are huge supporters of reusable bags, but we still have collected quite a few over the past year.) I've kept saying I'll get around to sorting and organizing under the sink, but it kept getting bumped further down the to-do list. Saturday, I decided I was ready.
Mimi had purchased one of the handy craft-fair specialties that neatly stores your plastic grocery bags in for us before we moved. After I filled that, things got a bit disorganized under the sink. So I finally took the one she had gotten us and used it as a pattern to make two more. Took remarkably less time than I had anticipated, so that was even better! And I have all sorts of ideas how to make them extra cute if I make any more in the future! The ones I made this time are plain dark blue, but that suits us (and the under side of our sink) just fine. Brandon helped me separate out the different sizes of bags and we had fun stuffing them into their new organizational bags (does anyone know what they're actually called?)
Here's a photos of one of the finished products. We don't have a good place to hang them in this apartment, but they stack easily enough and make the under side of my sink look so much more organized! I wish I had taken a "before" and "after" photo, but you'll just have to believe me that it made a very impressive difference. I'm thrilled to have another spot neat and organized, and another project crossed off my to-do list! Makes me happy!
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