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Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone!  As with most holidays now, I celebrated by making cookies!  This time around, I tried out a new cookie recipe, as well as a new icing recipe.  I also fell in love with my new adjustable rolling pin, which helped me easily roll out even 3/8" dough for my cookies.  I became a firm believer in the jumbo cookie spatula I received in my batch of goodies last week.  I'll have to work with the dough and icing a few more times to decide if I want to switch to their recipes permanently or not.

I ended up making three sizes of shamrocks and my favorite for this batch - a few pots of gold. 

The happy recipients this holiday were: Brandon's work, our favorite librarian, and Sky Housing.  I sure do enjoy making people smile!

Now I'm on to planning out the Easter cookies!  Hope you all have a very happy St. Patrick's Day!


P.S.  Everyone has been commenting on my pin since I started wearing it on Saturday.  Doesn't it just make you smile?

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