A reason to celebrate...

Brandon took me out for a nice dinner at the Macaroni Grill on Foster last weekend. We said it was a little over a year since we moved to Okinawa, almost a year since we were in Italy, and we were finally feeling good after being sick for so long. Those are good reasons to celebrate, right? We thought so. :)
It was nice to spend a special dinner celebrating together. I had shrimp alfredo - the first alfredo I've had not from a jar since our first week in Okinawa. I forgot how rich and buttery alfredo can be. Brandon had a sampler set and loved every bite. We were surprised to realize that the food we've become accustomed to eating and enjoying over here is much less rich and buttery than what we'd been used to Stateside. We hadn't really thought much about it until now. We definitely enjoyed dinner, but we'll be happy to go back to our usual ramen and curry next week. :)

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