
I've always heard people say that everyone grieves differently. I've seen firsthand many times that this is very true. I've come to the conclusion that I can grieve differently for different people, too.
Most of you probably know by now that our dear friend Josh died one month and a day ago. He was pursuing his calling and dream of becoming a missionary bush pilot. His plane went down in FL during a routine flight. It still doesn't seem real to me. I still find myself jumping on Skype and hoping to catch him to chat, or seeing something in a store that reminds me of him and making a mental note to shoot him an email or call his cell when I get home. I have been keeping myself extremely busy this past month and trying to just stay distracted as much as possible. This is the first time I've felt willing and able to sit down and write on our website.
I don't tell you this to make you feel sad, or to worry about us, I just wanted to let you know why I haven't updated in so long. Josh was one of my closest friends and I miss him more than words can express. As anyone who met Josh can attest, he was larger than life and was always eager to make everyone around him laugh. His smile was truly contagious. But he was also really good at listening, dealing with tough decisions and occasional tears, and was always willing to pray with me and for me. And he was one of those few friends that both of you knew that you could call each other at literally any hour of the day or night to talk. I am so thankful he and Brandon became good friends, too.
I have kept a framed photo of Josh, Joy, and I on my desk/s since 2004. No matter what kind of day I'm having, just one look at the photo, and it makes me smile. It's traveled from college to home in Townville, to work in PA to Omaha, and is on my desk here in Okinawa. It still makes me smile. I'd like to share some of my favorite photos of Josh with you. I hope they make you smile, too.
The classic "Josh squishing Arielle and Joy" pose at a Geneva formal.
Yes, that is indeed a spoon above my head. Josh thought it'd be cool if the camera flash caught it "just right." Didn't turn out exactly how he'd planned, but it sure makes me laugh every time I see it. How many photos can you say you have of yourself with a spoon above your head? Hmmm?
Josh atop the bell tower at Geneva...but you didn't hear it from me! What a smile!
And atop the Space Needle in Seattle. Josh, Joy, and I were there for a college conference. He was gracious enough to be our escort around the city for the afternoon. He loved to fly, so I suppose it's fitting that I have a number of photos of him atop tall things. :)
A group of us at a Geneva Homecoming football game. Very happy memories! :)
At my wedding reception in PA.
We'll desperately miss him, but we're so thankful to have had him in our lives.

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