And put it in a ziplock bag...

Brandon and I have had Lit songs (four of them, including "Ziplock," to be more specific) stuck in our head all weekend since we learned that the annual SchwabFest, a festival held on - you guessed it - Camp Schwab, was bringing in the band Lit. When Brandon mentioned this to me, I immediately sang back to him, "It's no surprise to me, I am my own worst enemy." Talk about good recall! We haven't heard any of their music since the 90s! Didn't realize they were still touring and putting out new albums. Oops. We figured we'd better make up for our lack of Lit by driving a little over an hour up north to the marine base.
As with any festival on island, there were Brandon's favorite festival foods. He had okonomiyaki (the veggie pancake) for dinner, as they were sadly out of yakisoba. I had chicken on a stick. And for dessert - these delicious little sweets - heavy pancakes with sweet red bean paste in the middle. Ah, we do love festival food!
Lit put on a very fun rock show! We hadn't realized that the lead singer and the lead guitarist were brothers.
Or that the band has been together for 21 years! They were originally under the name Razzle (it's both a candy and a gum!) before donning their more well-known title. And amazingly, they've had the same band members, sans one, for the entire 21 years! Truly amazing when you think of how frequently most bands switch out members.
We were saddened to hear their original drummer and long time friend died last year. They sang a new song in his honor that we really enjoyed.
There were quite a few in attendance at the concert, but we were happy to be able to have a good vantage point. And very grateful that the rain that caused the concert to be postponed a day, only put in a brief sprinkling appearance during the actual show.
Brandon and I decked out in our rain gear. I think mine is ultra-stylish...I bought it at the 100-Yen store. :) But it definitely served it's purpose and kept me dry.
Thank you MCCS for putting on such a fun event and bringing in an awesome headlining band! (Thank you for not subjecting us to country music!)
And thank you to Lit for putting on such a high-energy, all-around fun concert! We're truly grateful you came all the way over here to support our troops! Awesome job!

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