Jusco Dinner

When you are busy mixing batters and juggling muffin pans and baking pans in and out of the oven to make 48 of these:
(Yes, that is a Millennium Falcon in the back left, but more on that another time.)
...what better way to have a stress-free dinner so you can continue working on these little yummy creations, then to have your wonderful hubby run down to Jusco and pick out some dinner. Jusco houses one of the local Japanese grocery stores near our apartment. We love the wonderful choices they have of already prepared foods. So, while I worked on these for one of Brandon's office mate's birthday parties (he requested I bring some of my infamous sweets):
Brandon brought us home this delicious spread:
Teriyaki chicken on a stick, and clockwise - sushi rolls, baked sweet potato, breaded chicken meatballs, and well, neither of us are certain just exactly what the breaded and deep fried patties are made of...we don't think they are meat, but we really have no idea what we ate. We really enjoyed the sweet potato - tasted so sweet it was more like eating dessert than eating potato. Delicious! And so quick and easy with such variety!
Unfortunately, Brandon's office mate's party was canceled due to rain, so we packaged up a bunch of the mini "burgers" and delivered to Sky Housing, 5th Floor, and made some new friends with neighbors across the street. Score another for Dessert Diplomacy!
P.S. Just a short baking note - I am in love with Reynolds Easy Release Non-Stick Aluminum Foil! It worked perfectly for my brownies. I was able to line the baking dish, bake a batch of brownies, let them cool slightly while I baked a batch of cupcakes in my cupcake pan, then just lift the cooling brownies out of the dish and onto a cooling rack while I lined the baking dish again and baked another batch of brownies. No washing the baking dish between batches and no having to wait until the brownies were totally cooled to take them out of the dish. It was also easier to cut out the "burgers" on the foil rather than working around the dish. Spectacular stuff!
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