Star Trek: Enterprise - Mission Complete!

This weekend we finished watching the entire series of Star Trek Enterprise. We had started watching on it dvd a few months ago and as with all good tv shows, it was sad to see it end. For me this was my first time for Enterprise and for Arielle she’d seen about half of the series prior to us watching it from start to finish.
Granted this may not be the best of the Star Trek series, however it was really good! Additionally, we wish they would have made more seasons of Enterprise, but at least they did give us four seasons before not renewing the show. Now that I have finished watching Star Trek Enterprise, I only have Star Trek Voyager and The Original Series left to watch. Then I will have seen everything in the Star Trek Universe except most of the movies.
It was really interesting to watch throughout the show on how it answered questions and provided reasons to why certain events happen in The Original Series, Next Generation, and Deep Space 9. We highly recommend you all check out and watch Star Trek Enterprise! (Just as a warning the first season moves a little slow, but from there on out it gets better by the season) To help you out below is even a link to season one from Netflix.
And the intro for the tv series:
What are you waiting for?! Go watch and enjoy!
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