Drinking Made Easy Omaha?

This one is also an old one and I hope to slowly keep up going forward. Arielle and I have been watching Drinking Made Easy, which has been entertaining and informative to say the least.
Recently, the show put out a list for possible cities for season two and requested viewers email Zane to recommend locations they should visit. Of course, since Omaha was a possibility I quick emailed him saying he needed to check out Upstream and a couple other locations.
Not expecting any sort of response I was surprised to get an email back from Zane thanking me for the ideas. However, the following week we found out Omaha did not make the cut for season two. Hopefully, they get a season three and Omaha makes that list! Either way if you are looking for something different to watch check out an episode or two. Oh and if you are ever in Omaha you must stop at Upstream and try the shrimp white pizza!
More information about the show:
Drinking Made Easy on HDNet follows the guys on this once-in-a-lifetime trip as they hit up local watering holes, pubs, bars, restaurants, breweries, wineries and distilleries in an attempt to find the most unique and interesting beers, wines and spirits, and cocktails across this great country of ours.
Zane Lamprey visits the local drinking establishments, usually with co-host (stunt-drinker) Steve McKenna coming along, as correspondent Marc Ryan visits breweries, wineries and distilleries to continue the educational aspect of the show. In each episode the guys visit a different city, exploring the local drinks and drinking customs, partake in an eating challenge, and take each other on head-to-head in unimportant competitions.
Reader Comments (1)
Checked in with your Mom, Arielle, and I'm following Brandon's suggestion that I only worry when he notifies us we should begin doing so. Wishing you -- and all who are around you -- strength in dealing with the problems. SR