Comic Con Okinawa

(Brandon advertising his slight Star Wars addiction.)
The last Saturday in February saw us answering the call for “Comic crusaders commune!” With a rally call of, “Dust off those superhero capes and Vulcan ears and re-charge those lightsabers- it’s time to meet down at the Hall of Justice, or in this case the Foster Library.” Foster Library was holding it’s first Comic Con Okinawa –and they needed our help!
Okay, what they actually needed from us was part of our sci-fi memorabilia to display in the library – our actual attendance was just the side of gagh next to the dish of heart of targ. They had asked our friend and all-time favorite, sci-fi loving, tour guide Chris if he would be willing to display some of his impressive Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, and G.I. Joe collection. He, then asked if we’d be willing to display some of our Star Trek, Doctor Who, and Transformers to round out the displays. (We figured between our collections, there had to be something each of the attendees would enjoy looking at.)
Our things were on display for two weeks before the day to hopefully generate more interest in the event. (I must admit, our apartment looked a bit bare of decor during those two weeks.) It was really neat to walk in and see parts of our collection displayed under glass (or in this case, plexi-glass.) (If we get this opportunity again next year, I’ve got some great ideas brewing for more engaging displays! And I’m just itching to free more of my action figures from their plastic box prisons! Unfortunately, we have limited enclosed display areas in our apartment at the moment, and call me crazy, but the thought of dusting fifty or more tiny action figures each week just doesn’t sound all that incredibly fun. I can’t wait for the day when I can have unlimited built-in display cases in our house! Someday, someday…)
I was excited to show off my handmade Christmas present for Brandon – his very own plush 10th Doctor!
My Star Trek Bear from the late Star Trek: The Experience enjoyed his stay in the Kids’ Room at the library.
Chris collects vintage Star Wars figures and ships – coming from a fellow collector, his collection is “impressive, very impressive,” but like us, there was only so much you could cram into the library display cases.
And his G.I. Joe display brought back happy memories of my Joes using my dollhouse as their barracks and training camp. Yup, I’ve been a geek for as long as I can remember.
(Me representing the BrownCoats - Firefly/Serenity fans.)
We’re so glad the Foster Library hosted this fun day and hope that they will make this into an annual event!
Arielle, signing off – beam me up, Scotty!

Reader Comments (2)
I think the 10th doctor is soooo cute!! You said it's handmade. By who's hands was it made? You need a plush one of your favorite one too! ( I can't remember which number you said you liked best.)
Auntie A,
Thanks for thinking our 10th Doctor is so cute! I made him for Brandon as a Christmas gift! I saw a similar one online and knew it'd be perfect for him. It took some trial and error on my part, as I didn't have a pattern, but I'm pleased with the outcome. I'll have to think about making a 9th Doctor for myself, though I do think he'd be a bit more difficult to make as "cute." 10 had very fun hair that helps with the cuteness factor for the plush. I'll have to think on it and add it to my long crafty to-do list. :)
Big hugs,