Jesse & Ana–Part I

Our friends Jesse & Ana came to visit us from Waterloo, IA a few weeks ago. In the six days that they were with us, we showed them a good portion of our beautiful island. And I’m so happy to say that it only rained one day while they were here during our sometimes-temperamental springtime. Here’s a brief overview of the busy week.
Ana got to hold a sea cucumber for the first time!
And Jesse touched a star. (Doesn’t our island sound so magical?! Perhaps I should submit a new island motto, “Okinawa – where you can touch the stars.”)
We all laughed at some of the “English” translations on the new display boards.
I kept expecting to see a Vulcan, Klingon, Ferengi or maybe an Andorian swim by.
We took them down to Okinawa World to check out the cave and drink cave beer.
From the smiles, I think it’s safe to assume, they enjoyed the cave beer.
While we were there, we also took the opportunity to tour the Habu (Okinawa snake) Museum. Yes, folks, that is indeed a live snake wrapped around Brandon and Jesse.
A tree full of habu. So glad they were on the other side of the exhibit. I don’t like snakes smaller than pythons or boa constrictors; I like my snakes like I like my dogs – I like the ones that weigh more than I do. Small snakes can sneak up on you. Ick! (And yes, please leave me in my blissful ignorance and don’t tell me that the large constrictors use stealth to catch their prey, too.)
The fruit bats were sleeping, as it was daytime, but it was fun to get to see them in all their furry adorableness!
They even had a snake and mongoose show! (Thanks for the photo, Ana!) The presenter was very funny (although most everything was in Japanese) and she was very comfortable handling all the poisonous snakes. Yikes! Due to animal protection laws, they no longer hold snake vs. mongoose fights, but we did get to watch a swimming race between a mongoose and a sea snake. At the end of the presentation, people were encouraged to come up and hold a python and get photos taken. If you want your photo taken with a really big snake when you come to visit us on Okinawa, we now know how to grant that request.
During the week, we took the opportunity to ride the ferris wheel in American Village! We were so thankful for a beautiful, clear day! Absolutely gorgeous view!
Lots of fun! Stay tuned for Part II!

Reader Comments (2)
So, what does a sea cucumber feel like? Prickly? ha. I've only ever held the dead, brittle stars. Touching a live one must at least feel juicier? If I came over I wouldn't want to check out their beer, I'd check out their dark chocolate! ;)
Glad you had more visitors. I'd hate to think of you getting bored!
Miss you,
Auntie A,
The sea cucumbers are actually soft and squishy, unlike their moniker would suggest. The live star fish are solid-feeling, but not brittle like when they are dead.
There are plenty of delicious sweets to try when you come over! :)
Miss you, too,